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People buy from people they like and trust. This concept is as true today as it was yesterday and the day before. To be successful in business, to be able to build a profitable sales-oriented enterprise, whether, in insurance, real estate, or any other relationship-centric business, we must first build a system that helps us introduce our offering to as many (qualified) new folks as possible.

This act of "prospecting" must be undertaken on a consistent basis. Whether you run a solo ( business-to-business) operation or a large (consumer products and services) organization with hundreds, even thousands of sales professionals, seeking out members of a well-defined audience and connecting with said audience in ways that not only adds to the bottom line but also increases brand penetration must be of the utmost importance, company-wide.

As we work to help folks understand what it is that we do and how we can help add value to their lives and that of those they care most about, we must ensure that we are consistently forming bonds with those who are most likely to consume what we offer. We must also engage in various activities that will help build those two basic elements that we know lead to profitable client relationships: Like and trust.

In this book, one of the many I have written on the topic of sales, and marketing, I shall delve into the topic of building your direct sales business through the strategic use of either consumer or business sales data. Sales data also known as sales leads. In this book, I shall talk about:

- Ways in which you can think about your audience and how quality sales data can help streamline your view of who your ideal customer is versus the reality that exists in the marketplace.

- The major differences between audience segmenting based on demographics as compared to looking at your audience based on behavior.

- The most effective ways - based on your type of business, audience demographics, and resources - to connect with your prospective customers and the historical success rate of each channel.

- How best to craft your brand and/or product message to allow for maximum impact.

- About ways in which you can improve your marketing campaigns by looking at the world through the eyes of your would-be customer.


Product details
Publication date : November 14, 2020
File size : 4961 KB
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 76 pages
Publisher : OSTRICH PUBLISHERS (November 14, 2020)
Language: : English
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Lending : Enabled


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